
“Teach me Lord how I can live, serve, and witness across cultures.” If this is your prayer, then we have some training resources to help get you started.

Institute of World Mission

Prepare to become a cross-cultural volunteer through the Institute of World Mission Passport to Mission online training.

Global Mission Centers

Are you a pastor or ministry leader? Visit our Global Mission Centers to learn how to reach others who may have a different worldview than your own.

Archives, Statistics & Research

Explore the vast resources of the Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research. Learn about the history of our church, review our Annual Statistical Reports, peruse the latest Yearbook, and read about our latest research. See how we can trust God to lead our future because of the faithful way He has blessed our efforts in the past.

Want more training to help you do mission? Visit to discover the challenges and joys of living in a different culture while reaching out for Christ.